Ways Of Wifi Monetization

Height8 Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
4 min readSep 21, 2020


Are you a service provider? Are you thinking of starting a free Wifi zone? But unsure about how to mitigate the expenses for providing the free wifi? Are you thinking that if users don’t pay for the Wifi then who does? If yes, this article is the answer to all your questions.

It’s important to have an understanding of the different revenue streams by which you can monetize free WiFi service. Before you plan or deploy your public/guest WiFi zone it is important to decide how do you plan on recovering your cost of providing WiFi.

By providing the free wifi to the customers, you can earn revenue by advertising the services or products of the local vendors or by redirecting the customers to the vendors’ website or app. In this way, you can provide free wifi to the customers and earn revenue from the same.

Being a CSP, you have to maintain not only Quality of Experience for your users but competition for market share against unsecured public WiFi. To top it off, most people expect WiFi to be a free service. This leaves very few methods to monetize; difficult to incorporate into your business strategy.

Following are some of the Height8’s ways to Monetize your Free Wifi using Captive Portal:

  1. Website Redirection

When connected to the wifi, redirect your customers to your website for providing valuable information. You can also redirect them directly to your loyalty sign up page or contact us page. Automatically redirecting the customer to your website will result in instant traffic and getting leads.

Wifi Monetization through Website Redirection

2. Market Survey

The great way to collect user information like Email address is through surveys. With the help of the Captive Portal, you can gather all the information you need for Email marketing and drive the value from the survey results. The market survey helps you to Monetize your Wifi easily and with the best results.

Website Redirection through Market Survey

3. Feedback Form

Feedback forms help you to know more about your customers. It provides you with valuable information about your customers’ experience with your products or services.

Wifi Monetization through Feedback Form

4. Slogan or Brand name in the CAPTCHA

You can put your Brand Name or slogan in the CAPTCHA. This will definitely create a long time impression in the minds of your customers. Wifi monetization through slogan or brand name in the CAPTCHA helps you to increase your brand awareness. You can put the third party slogan or brand name in the CAPTCHA and earn revenue from the same.

Wifi Monetization through Brand Name in Captcha

5. App Download

After getting connected with the wifi you can redirect your customers to your App Download option. This will increase your app awareness. You can earn revenue by redirecting the customers to the third party's app.

Wifi Monetization through App Download

6. Branding Image & Video Advertisement

In an exchange of free wifi, users are willing to see advertisements. You can advertise your product or service by putting banners or static images. This will boost your brand knowledge and support. Video advertisement is the best way to promote your brand, as visual things attract the attention of customers easily. You can advertise third party products or services and earn revenue from the same.

Wifi Monetization through Branding Image and Video Advertisement

7. Discount Coupons

Discount coupons can be digitally distributed using free wifi. Setup digital coupons that expire after a predefined period of time or apply to specific user groups. Deliver ongoing coupons and build loyalty or increase repeat footfall.

Wifi Monetization through Discount Coupons

8. Social Login, Social Share, location check-in

Wifi monetization through social login, social share, and location check-in helps you with getting the information of your customers. This information will help you to run analytics and targeting campaigns to attract customers.

Wifi Monetization through social share, social login and location check-in.

9. Premium Access

User Funded Models (UFM) are created by some wifi providers to monetize free wifi. There are two plans in this model:

Free Plan Users — Free plans are available to the users, usually have slow internet speed, and are limited for a certain time and data.

Premium Plan Users — Users have to pay some money for premium plans. Premium plans come with faster internet speeds and lesser limitations on time and data.

Service providers can nullify the costs incurred to provide free WiFi service against the revenue made on premium access.

Wifi Monetization through Premium Access

Contact Height8 Technologies today to monetize your Free Wifi.



Height8 Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Height8 is the leading telecom software company providing OSS, BSS, AAA Server and cloud-based wifi solutions; a true vendor friendly solution provider.